Saturday, March 07, 2009

Need more time off!

I go back to work on Monday, wouldn't you know it, just as I'm finally getting organized and caught up, though I still have SO much to do! I'll post some photos tomorrow - I'm still navigating storage bins of yarn and supplies today.

What I still hope to do:
  1. Cook up some meals for the coming week.
  2. Finish yarn organizing and storing (including labelling bins).
  3. Vacuum (this is a must - a monster vacuum).
  4. Sort/store/press clothes.
  5. Break down cardboard - recycle.
  6. Go for a walk (BEAUTIFUL today).
  7. Finish up, photograph, list new Spring neckwarmers.
  8. Get a good night's sleep tonight!
I slept t-e-r-r-i-b-l-y last night. And was so very tired. Don't know what the deal was! Had horrible nightmares about zombies. Gaah. The one thing I won't watch is a zombie movie - completely freaks me out. So entire nightmares all night long about zombies is not a good thing for me. I don't think I'm freaking out about going back to work as much as I'm freaking out about how much I need to get done and don't have time for ....

In that vein, I put all custom, consignment and wholesale orders on hiatus until July, when budgets at work are done. And will be cutting down on the time I'm able to spend on my business. Which makes me sad, but I'm being realistic. Budget season is much worse for me than the holidays (and the holidays are a challenge!). I need to reduce my stress from the get go.

Hopefully, photos tomorrow!!! Enjoy the sunshine!


heather jane said...

so far I've completed one item per day for my shop this month. I'm hoping to keep up that pace and then next month I'll post one item per day. This was suggested to me by a fellow Etsy seller who has over 1600 sales under her belt. Thinking about 1 item a day is so much easier than thinking...I need to make blank, and blank and blank and blank and hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.

I'm so easily overwhelmed.

By the way...I just figured out last night that I had a message from you on Ravelry...Yes, yes and yes!! I would love to.

I've completed a cowl and two dish cloths so far this weekend. Love the dish cloths!! Knitting bug is officially firmly in place.

Here's to good sleep tonight!!

Brenda said...

That's such a great idea - when I'm in that zone, it seems totally doable!

OK, expect an email shortly!!!

:) and xo

Kateri Morton said...

it sounds like you've made wonderful use of your time, but i absolutely understand the pinch you start to feel at the end of time off. there aren't enough hours in the day. ever. enjoy your last days of sunshine and your own time, and i do hope you get that satisfying list done!