I am so very delighted to introduce you to WendyZ from Buttercupbloom at Etsy! I love how WendyZ brings her own special magic to her many wonderful characters - bunnies, radishes, carrots, hoot owls, kitties, etc. I know you will enjoy getting to know her a little via this interview. Read all the way to to the end - we have a very special giveaway and a Phydelle reader discount!
Your name: WendyZ
Your shop name: Buttercupbloom
Your twitter account: Buttercupbloom
Your blog name: Buttercup in China
Your flickr ID: wzgrrl
Tell us a bit about you: who are you, who do you want to be, what do you make, what makes you unique?
A little over three years ago, I joined the blog scene in an attempt to connect with other families waiting to adopt a child from China. Our timeline to parenthood went from a nine to 12 month wait to now a likely four year wait due to an unforeseen slowdown within China's international adoption program. It's been tough. With some luck we may travel by the end of this year - early 2010 at the latest.What do you think it is about you that makes your shop(s) successful?
I have had a lot of time to explore the social networking world via International Adoption blogs (there is quite a community out there). Over time, I found myself spending more and more time lingering at the craft and style blogs (e.g., Wee Wonderfuls and Soule Mama) and soon became fully enamored of the creative marketplace that is Etsy. It took a while to muster the courage, but with some friendly nudges and much excitement I opened Buttercupbloom in November 2007.
Creating and sharing my work on Etsy has been unexpectedly therapeutic. It has given me a fantastic and colorful diversion during a frustrating period of my life. For this, I am very grateful.
A little bit of my heart and spirit goes into each and every thing listed in my shop. One person told me that she thought my Hoot Owls were "eternally smiling" and that she imagined me to be the same way. That one made me chuckle, for sure. Maybe it is an inner smiling? Anyway, I think that people connect with that energy. With the smile. Call me crazy, but I think its something like this.

If you’re comfortable sharing, what is your fulltime job? Do you plan to continue working fulltime or is your goal to join the ranks of the Quit Your Day Job artisans?
I work with troubled teens, families with a lot of conflict and trauma and kids with unique mental health issues. It can be energizing and exhausting all at once. One day I do hope to take a really, really long break from work when my husband and I adopt our child. Hopefully that will be sooner than later. As far as quitting my day job? I seriously doubt it. It is a good job and as tough as it can get at times, I am very grateful for it.Do you have partner(s) , employee(s) or family members who help with your business? If so, what roles do they fill and how do they make your life easier?
Sometimes my husband will go to the Post Office for me, haha! I do have a fabulous USPS "Business Line" card, so that job isn't as bad as it could be. My niece and nephew are my official "quality control" peeps - they get to test almost all of my designs first. Yes, I am the best Auntie Evah.Which do you prefer: artist, artisan, crafter, maker or other?
I love it when people refer to me/my work as creative vs. crafty. The "crafty" word (when someone other than the Beastie Boys uses it) kinda makes me cringe. After having the good fortune to vend at the Maker Faire in San Mateo this year - I started thinking of myself as a Maker. It feels more broad and more fierce. I've also been flirting with the idea of taking a blacksmithing or welding class. Just because. One of my frequently spoken phrases is "I can make anything." So, yeah, Maker works for me.

Tell us what “upcycle” means and how you do that with your business?
This is my personal definition for "upcycle" - the one you'll see in my shop and on my business cards:Also, what does upcycling mean to you? Does it affect the rest of your lifestyle and if so, how so?
upcycle [uhp-sahy-kuhl] verb: To salvage and transform otherwise cast away items into unique, functional, fresh bits of art and whimsy.
The act of upcycling is taking something long forgotten or two steps away from the garbage and making something beautiful (or more useful) with it. My favorite items to rescue and upcycle are colorful sweaters with unique texture. I'm always on the hunt for cashmere, lambswool and merino when friends offer hand-me-downs or as I troll through second hand shops. Little holes and small areas of wear present a welcome challenge and make the end result all the more satisfying for me.
Nicknamed the "Recycling Queen" in college, I've long been a Green Girl. I wore a "Love Your Mother" button way before it was hip and cool to do so. Nowadays, I feel a greater sense of urgency about reducing waste and protecting the Earth. I can get quite overwhelmed by it at times, to be honest. So you can imagine how incredibly satisfying it is to use my creativity and the etsy venue to share my love of recycling/upcycling with so many people. It's good for the Planet and it is good for me.

How did you learn your particular art/craft form?
I grew up wearing clothes that were hand sewn by my grandmother. A stationary sewing machine was an important part of the home's landscape. She taught me how to knit when I was about 10, but I think I inherited the sewing gene from her. As well as a true love for handmade.When do you fit in working on your business???
My father is also extremely creative and made amazing, authentic Revolutionary War uniforms for himself back in the 70's - sewn entirely by hand. Upon reflection, I think I inherited his fearlessness in tackling a creative project. Thanks, Dad.
My husband gave me a "starter" sewing machine about 10 years ago. That machine necessitated my first class at the adult school and inspired countless curtains and drapes in the years following. I got quite skilled at sewing a straight line, haha! I'd also like to think that the many ceramics, watercolor and art therapy classes I took in college and after influenced (and will continue to influence) my work and creative life.
Weekends. I do flex on Fridays - which is another reason why my job is a keeper. Hit the post office during lunch break. Usually I do things in spurts - so if I have a free chunk of time, I will cut a bunch of fabric. Then I can do preliminary sewing with my next chunk of time. When I was preparing for the Maker Faire, my husband happened to be out of town so I had a massive marathon of Making over a super long weekend. Many owls were sewn, many dvds were watched and many coffees were consumed.If you sold last holiday season, how did you survive!? What was your biggest lesson learned?
Next year I will prepare ahead! I was so surprised (and thrilled!) by how busy I was. What became the most overwhelming was the panic I had upon realizing I hadn't gotten to my own, personal Christmas making. Next year I will plan better and "fold in" my own projects as I work on holiday Etsy listings.What stresses you out the most about your business?
That I don't see myself as hugely business savvy or commercially minded. Sometimes people suggest I do this or that to "take it to the next level" and such - and I find that a little stressful. I get so much out of doing what I do, at the level that I am doing it and am happy with how it enriches my life. That's pretty much where it's at for me.
What gets you the most excited?
Playing with color. Putting fabrics, textures and stitches together that work. Seeing
the finished product. Getting props from my mother, husband or my sister. Hearing that a gift purchased from my shop was well received. Seeing pictures of or hearing stories of my little creations being cuddled at night, being shared with loved ones and being seen as heirlooms. That is what gets me excited.
Do you take actual vacations and holidays away from both jobs? Or do you use vacation time from your day job to work on your business?
This is a funny question. Haha! I took sketchbooks with me to Mexico on our last trip. Most of my "time off" (read: long weekends) has been consumed with creative work. And, I'm thinking that I really do need a break. Balance is one of those life's challenges for me.How do you find materials for your creations? What’s your process?
As I mentioned above, I utilize charity shops and secondhand establishments to procure fabrics for my upcycled creations. I've also been known to stake a claim onHow do you find time for marketing? Any tips or tricks to share?
friend's/family clothing at totally inappropriate times. "Just let me know when you are finished with it," I'll say.
I wash everything in super hot water with a light detergent (read: not overly perfumed). My fingers are crossed when it comes to the wools that I've snapped up. Most of the time they just get softer with washing - some felt more readily than others. With very few exceptions, I choose 100% cotton and other natural fibers for my work. It just feels nicer. The felt that I use (called EcoFi), however is made from 100% post consumer recycled plastic bottles. Love that.
Relationships are important. And, etsy teams! I am a proud member of CCCOE (the California Crafter's Club on Etsy), Trashion and a brand new member of Eco-Etsy! These communities are a lot about relationships and a little about marketing. Promoting each other feels great and I am so grateful to have been on the receiving end from time to time! Thanks.

Do you get enough sleep every night? If not, how do you compensate?
Getting enough sleep isn't as much of a problem for me as getting enough exercise. Sewing is not exactly a Presidential Physical Fitness Award-Winning sport. And, my butt is suffering. So, I need to find more balance in this arena, for sure.Share one of your personal guilty pleasures?
Just one...? Iced mochas, leggy glasses of Cabernet, crisp glasses of Pinot Grigio, Tivo'd MTV shows like Real World and The Hills, McDonald's fries, blasting Missy Elliott in my car and acting way tougher than I really am, long lunch breaks at ThriftTown or Target and the salad bar at Whole Foods. And, shopping late-night on Etsy.com, lol.Do you shop handmade? If so, what was the last thing you purchased?
I've recently purchased bars upon bars of soap from Savor (the Earl Gray is a fave), this very special pendant from MaidOfClay (her work is so thoughtful and special and some lovely (& upcycled!) coasters from RikRak.What else would you like readers to know about you and about running an online creative business in addition to working fulltime and even having a personal and social life?
The ways in which I continue to approach my creative online business are as follows: Have fun, make connections, feel energized, seek inspiration, share insight and leave the world a better (& prettier!) place having done so.
Thank you, WendyZ!!! I love how your innate joie de vivre shines in all that you do!
One very very lucky Phydelle reader will win an incredible Buttercupbloom hoot owl, pictured above, specially made for Phydelle readers and this giveaway! How incredible is that??? (I looooove this hoot owl - such pretty and soft colors!)
In addition, WendyZ is generously granting Phydelle readers with a 10% discount to her shop! Just mention Phydelle in the message to seller on check out (one time use!). Refund sent via Paypal following transaction.
To enter, share with us your favorite piece in WendyZ's shop (check out her "sold" section, too!), including URL.
CRUCIAL!!! You must include your name (at least first name) and email address OR Etsy shop name!!! If your entry is missing that information, you aren't eligible for the drawing (I'm so sorry, but compiling entries is hard work - make it easier with your name and contact info, por favor!).
Bonus entries for:
- Following this blog (Phydelle)
- Subscribe to the Phydelle/Phydeaux mailing list (top left corner of this web page)
- Follow WendyZ on Twitter
- Blog about this interview and giveaway, with a link back to this contest post (and add the link to the comments below)
- Tweet about this interview and giveaway, with a link to this contest post (cc me on the twitter for verification - @phydeauxdesigns )
I love Buttercupbloom's Hooters, they are the sweetest faced little guys, they have such personality. But I especially love her new cashmere elephants, especially this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26704936
I follow this blog and I follow BCB on Twitter as well :-)
Thank you Brenda for the hard work I know is involved in these giveaways! Felicia from MaidofClay
Hi WendyZ. Your work is simply beautiful. As the mother of 2 little girls, I can't imagine one of your treasures not becoming a fast favorite. Thank you for sharing your process and insight about being an Etsy shop owner.
Brenda, the twitter link for Wendy Z takes us to MaidofClay. I followed her, but I would also like to follow Wendy when you get a chance to fix the link. ;)
Oy! Thank you for the heads up, Heather! All fixed, with my apologies. :)
I love the owls! Little Red Riding hood is probably my favorite!
Mandie P.
justwemoms (at) gmail dot com
follower of your blog
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25863996 the Cable Knit Bunny
new email subsriber
I love the Little Red Riding Hood Hoot Owls - Ruby Red - Plush Doll with Secret Pocket.
I will have to pass this store on to a friend of mine that loves owls.
But the Strawberry Sweets - Wyatt is so cute and original!
Great article by the way!
Love Wendy's hoot owls, and am the proud owner of one who provides good company and a ready smile.
What a great interview and and interesting lady! Very nice reading. Picking one is difficult but this Sunny hoot owl just brightens the world:
hello...i have been adoring these owls for a long long time! i particularly love imogene
i tweeted and i also am following both of you on twitter, and following your beautiful blog! thanks so much for the giveaway! fun! fun!
deborah from www.thegaudygoddess.etsy.com
Of course I love the hooters and before I looked at her shop again I was going to say the elephants are my new faves but then I saw this bunny:
And it stole my heart!
Kelly a.k.a. Tresijas
What a fabulous interview! WendyZ is definitely doing her part to make the world a kinder & prettier place! Just when you think her work can't get any cuter, it does!
saw and felt the super soft cashmere hooters. Also sat and watched her complete a penguin. Awesome stuff....
What a great read! You have lovely beautiful stuff! The hoot owls are so lovely but the elephant caught my eye
I especially love this little guy:
I'm Kim from
I follow
I like the Cashmere elephant in baby blue. Very cute
I follow WendyZ on Twitter
I subscribe
I Tweeted
These are really cute! My favorite is the Cashmere Elephant - Baby Blue
( :
who doesnt love a cashmere elephant!
love all of your stuff wendy!
OH thank you all for chiming in. I love hearing about people's favorites - it helps me so much!
Thanks so much for playing along!
xo, WendyZ
I love your owls Wendy and I love your elephants too!! In the end < I picked this one as my fave:
I had a hard time choosing till I saw the name! My 6 month old baby girl is named Penelope!
Kristin Aylward
I love the cashmere elephant -- very cute!
acm211 [at] gmail [dot] com
I love the One of a Kind - Lucky Clover Hoot Owls - Forrest
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
follow wendyz on twitter @throuthehaze
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Hey again Wendy!
Love all your Owls for sure! Thanks for the opportunity in the giveaway!
Dear Mom
I love my new home here in the desert!
There are lots of birds but I am the one and only Owl and Desert Nana Tells me Every day that I am the best Owl EVER!!! I almost went home with a girl named Bella,last week, but Nana knew we would miss each other too much and besides, We both know a special shop run b the most special Lady where every week more owls and animals are ready and waiting for just the right person to find them.
Love You Mom
2 wing hugs
Yay, I love these cute items...they are totally giving me inspiration! The chocolate brown bunny and cashmere elephant are too cute!
Also, I'm loving the hound cat in red and black!
What a great interview! I enjoy getting to know my fellow Etsians.
I follow Phydelle's blog and twitter. I also follow Buttercupbloom's twitter.
My favorite piece in Buttercupbloom's shop is Goldenrod Girls Hoot Owls - Patsy
Brenda, thank you for all the commitment you have with this blogging endeavor!
Patti Guth
I love this blue skies owl: http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=15771209
and also the cashmere elephants.
urchiken at gmail dot com
My favorite is the Cashmere Elephant-Baby Blue.
I loved the interview. WendyZ sounds like such an awesome person!
my fav is long gone- Generous Joe
he is a good soul, like my frined WenderZ. it was wonderful to get a glimpse of her "beyond" etsy.
and i'm glad to know her.
kim at VisionQuest :o)
(i follow her on twitter)
I love Little Red Riding Hood Hoot Owls - Ruby Red - Plush Doll with Secret Pocket.
Red Riding Hood is so adorable! and a secret pocket? how cute is that :)
and i blogged about this giveaway
and i became a follower hear and also on wendy's blog
i loved every thing in the shop but most of all was the 4th of july owel with the hidden pocket.
i think the colores are great, also the fabric that was used there
thanks for the giveaway
1) I liked 3 items from her Buttercupbloom's shop
She is doing a great job by reducing waste and protecting the Earth, in her own words. She is a Green Queen in true sense. Each of us should take steps to protect our environment, if we really want to live in this world happily.
2) Following your blog
3) Subscribed to the Phydelle/Phydeaux mailing list
4) Followed WendyZ on Twitter
5) Tweeted about this interview and giveaway http://twitter.com/loneacorn
My Email: loneacorn@gmail.com
Well it took me two days to choose a favorite item from Buttercupbloom's shop. Seriously, everything Wendy creates is a favorite of mine! But Harriet the Old Fashioned Fourth of July Hoot Owl is absolutely my favorite! I adore her! here is the link to copy and paste!
Rockin' awesome interview Brenda and Wendy! Thank you to both of you for your generosity of a "I really want to win" giveaway!
xo, Katy
aka KisforCalligraphy
I'm a follower.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I love the Goldenrod Girls Hoot Owls - Sookie - Plush Doll with Secret Pocket.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
My fave is the Goldenrod Girls Hoot - Sookie. I love the yellow!!
I am now a follower as well
it was hard to pick just one - but I really liked to colors of the Savoir Faire Hooy Owl: http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=16728866
I also tweeted the giveaway...I put the @phy... but just in case, it can be found here:
I am following Wendy on Twitter now as well
I an on your mailing list!
I love this cloudy day cuff
So bright and cheery!
I am following Wendy on twitter!
I like this guy...
CatherineMarissa on Etsy
Wendy makes such amazing creations. It just makes me smile everytime I look at them. Wishing you continued success!
I love the cashmere elephant! http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=17616388
What fun stuff!
Such whimsical items, and I love that they are recycled.
I too learned sewing from my grandma, and was happy to get her vintage Singer after she died. Though my sewing skills are lackluster, it's nice finding others who enjoy sewing like I do.
My name is Erin and I like http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=27304052 - Little Red Riding Hood Owl. So cute!
erin_melissa at juno dot com
i love the cashmere plucky penguin!
from Lily- Lmhoot@flash.net
Old Fashioned Fourth of July Hoot Owls - Harriet - Plush Doll with Secret Pocket
is really cute! I love the red/white/blue colours it looks really nice. Thanks for entering me into this giveaway!
I love the Cashmere Bunny - Baby Blue.
I adore the Strawberry Sweets - Candace because of her cute face!
lensimpressions AT gmail DOT com
I am a follower.
thanks again
ceashark at aol dot com
Carolyn S
lots of cute things in her shop and the owls are so adorable, one of my faves is http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=11415818
Lucky Little Linden and another is http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=17616388 Cashmere Baby Elephant, impossible to pick just one. Thanks for sharing
Carolyn S
ceashark at aol dot com
I love French Vanilla Hoot Owls - Blondie - Plush Doll with Secret Pocket http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26438042
my shop http://sumikoshop.etsy.com/
I am following you on twitter as ceashark
thanks again
ceashark at aol dot com
carolyn s
I am a follower.
thanks again
ceashark at aol dot com
carolyn s
I have subscribed to your mailing list.
ceashark at aol dot com
carolyn s
I'm a twitter follower
I tweeted about this giveaway and cc'd you.
carolyn s
ceashark at aol dot com
I love the penguin and am already the proud owner of one. :)
i love the cable knit bunny. it's so cute and i'm sure cuddly.
Squareby, I can swear by that adorable cable knit bunny - I'm the doting mama to one! Absolutely adorable!!!
Just like the Beasties said - "She's Crafty"!! Actually, this gal is an artist. I'm the proud owner of "Baby Blue" http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=16198233
and a hoot owl, penguin, ipod case, coffee cozy and ... let's just say I'm fan. From concept to execution I love Buttercupbloom.
Wendy's art is thoroughly "upcycled goodness".
Loved the interview! My daughter, Ellie, is the loving mama to Ellen the Golden Peach- one of Buttercupbloom's early works of the heart. Peachy goodness indeed! Gotta go eye that elephant again...
Shannon S.
I love Goldie! I love her!!!
Lovely contest I love everything in the shop.My fav item is goldenrod girls hoot owl sookie with hidden pocket.Marian
My fingers are crossed that I win.I love the cable knit bunny tartan ...very adorable.Helen
We like everything you make. :-)
buttercup bloom is wonderful! i just love her fabulous personality, glorious commitment to eco-forward thinking, wonderful, thoughtful writings and amazing creations! what a great soul she is!
i follow buttercup on twitter, too! :)
i adore everything she makes, and love all the owls,and those fabulous bunnies! yay buttercup!
Super cute shop!! The Goldenrod Girls Hoot Owls - Patsy - Plush Doll with Secret Pocket is my favorite! It would make a sweet gift for my daughter!!
Hard to pick favorites... but I really liked Agatha..
and of course I still adore my cafe coutures
Susan aka RedBessBonney
Please accept my whole-hearted thanks for participating in this little giveaway shindig.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you so much! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
I love Wendy's shop! It's fun and always a treat to browse. I like Patsy the best and am toying with purchasing her!
I love Buttercupbloom's shop! I hope I win an owl. I'm going to go follow Wendy on twitter now. Thanks for sharing your story!!
Whoops I forgot to leave the url of my favorite:
I absolutely love Buttercupsbloom's Cashmere Elephant & everyone of her owls! The color combinations are amazing ~ and its upcyled!
Great interview too!
Aimee from HaydenJ (etsy)
following buttercup on twitter!
follower of this blog!
up-cycled things are the best!! and it doesn't even look like an upcylced thing. Savoir Faire Hoot Owls - Petite Cheri - Plush Doll with Secret Pocket is my pick! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=24870000
Lovin' her new elephant!
Although I already own several of her Hooters would love to add another to the collection!
Also will subscribe to this blog.
Donna hulumama63@gmail.com
Well, that took a while to decide! but I think I'm in love with little red:
Buttercupbloom makes the most adorable critters and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she upcycles. makes for much more interesting and unique shapes and color combinations. My daughter has one of her 'wedges of sunshine' and she loves it! and of course, who couldn't use an adorable reusable hot beverage sleeve! So glad to see her work featured here. Really cool interview too! Big shout out to you, ms BCB! Hoot!
I follow. jacquecurl1@gmail.com
The ruby red little red riding hood owl is my fav. I love these adorable and unique owls. Thanks! jacquecurl1@gmail.com
i subscribe.jacquecurl1@gmail.com
blogged about this wonderful giveaway! good luck everyone!
xo, Katy
I follow buttercupbloom on twitter
CherryBlossomsdesign at hotmail
I follow your blog!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
I really REALLY love Buttercupsbloom's Cashmere Elephant
CherryBlossomsdesign at hotmail
oooh, so great to read about this artist, I support recycling and her owls ae sooooo cute!!
and this is one of my fav's!
Thanks again and again to everyone for participating in this fun little shindig of ours! xoxo
Personally? I did EVERYTHING Wendy makes! :)
My favorite I found in the sold listings, http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=16054348 "Hoot is in the heart" Citrine.
Christina, coffeeandcream.etsy.com :)
Following WendyZ on twitter as etsycoffee!
Christina, coffeeandcream.etsy.com
I already follow this blog.
Christina, coffeeandcream.etsy.com
tweeted the giveaway as etsycoffee!
Christina, coffeeandcream.etsy.com
It's so hard to choose a favorite from buttercup's stash. I do love the penguin, though and happen to have a happy carrot in my possession.
What an adorable prize! I also like the cashmere elephant - http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=16974096 :)
Elena - Tickled Pink Knits
I love Candace the Strawberry Sweets, what a cutie!
I subscribed to the Phydelle/Phydeaux mailing list Lisa
I'm a Blogger follower
I'm a new follower!
I love the Lucky Clover Hoot Owls (Sienna), so sweet!
I like the elephants, they are so cute!
I'm a follower
Very cute! My name is Jen and my favorite item is the Cuff for a Cloudy Day - Francophile
I am a follower of your blog now as well lil_lolas@hotmail.com
I just found this this morning and I really like the owl alot. I also like the Karma the Kosmic Kitten - Monster Mash , super cute and looks well made. Thanks for the giveaway lil_lolas@hotmail.com
I follow Wendy Z on twitter -evyready ----lil_lolas@hotmail.com
I subscribed to your blog too lil_lolas2hotmail.com
I tweeted today as well thanks lil_lolas@hotmail.com http://twitter.com/evyready/status/2721028572
Hi, WendyZ's cashmere elephant and hound cat pillows are darling :)
Etsy Shop: SwaddleBabies
Following your blog :)
Etsy Shop: SwaddleBabies
Following WendyZ on Twitter :)
Etsy Shop: SwaddleBabies
Twitter: SwaddleBabies
Subscribe to mailing list :)
Etsy Shop: SwaddleBabies
Tweeted giveaway
Etsy Shop: SwaddleBabies
Twitter: SwaddleBabies
My favorite is Lucky Clover Hoot Owls - Terra Firma :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Following WendyZ on Twitter
Subscribed by email :)
Following with Google Friend Connect :)
hello!interesting interview and nice recycle shop!
i like this one:: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=27926449
i like the butterfly heart, so cute!
neraidodhmiourgies at gmail dot com
I love Goldenrod Girls Hoot Owls - Sookie. This cute owlie is my favourite and I would like to win the give away. x
...well all I want is a free plush owl, but my favourite toy from your range is Chocolate Brown Bunny with Velveteen Ears. Love your work. Thanks!
My fave?
One of my purchases from bcb... Kitten Carlisle!!
so awesome...
Nice feature!! great blog too!!
My favorite item is the Goldenrod Girls Hoot Owls - Delta Breeze - Plush Doll with Secret Pocket
(http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=27928658). It is so cute!
kimberly.yates at gmail dot com
share with us your favorite piece in WendyZ's shop (check out her "sold" section, too!), including URL.
must include your name (at least first name) and email address
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