Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday already? Or just?

This week really flew by for me. Same for you? Not sure if I should ask "is it just Saturday?" or "already Saturday?"

I've spent the week trying to prepare for a big fat huge shop update. And largely succeeded. But - and other online shop owners will get this - big fat huge shop updates are kind of exhausting.

More than an hour to take photos (I uploaded 444 photos this morning!).

Hours to edit photos. And re-edit. And discard and edit new ones.

Then the actual creation of an online listing. Made quadruply challenging with my internet going out every few minutes (what should take not more than 15 minutes is taking 30 to 60 minutes).

And proofing said listing.

And listing it, only to realize you missed a horrifyingly obvious typo, requiring supersonic speed editing of said listing.

Then you have to share your success. It's not just sharing the success of your creation - it's as much the sharing of success that you actually managed to list a new product/item without bodily damage (or very much damage).

So you upload to Flickr. Maybe to Facebook. You want to share it on Twitter, but don't want to spam your followers with an all Phydeaux twitterstream (excellent way to lose followers). So you try to space out all of these forms of social media. Hmmm, would it be overkill to send out a newsletter about the update? After all, it's been so long since I've had a big fat huge shop update, it IS news.

I'm ready for a nap. Which has nothing to do with two cats, now sound asleep, not so gently shaking me awake far too early this morning, claiming cruelty for not being fed. Despite their full bowl of dry food. No, this is entirely due to working myself to the bone listing the very beginning of my big fat huge shop update today.

I may need ice cream to finish the rest.


Summer said...

Oh, I can SO relate!

Brenda said...

I'm relieved to hear I'm not alone! :D