Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today I woke up and felt ... awake.


I was useless all weekend. Slept. Shuffled. Tried to knit. Tried to remember what I just watched from my DVR.

Yesterday, I woke up bright and early, but fell asleep on the sofa just after noontime ... for a couple of hours.

I never take naps! Ugh - I was out of it for the rest of the day. (I was smart enough to watch LOST before said nap.) Didn't think I'd sleep last night and was OUT the second I turned off the light.

But today. Today! Today, I'm awake. I'm so relieved ... I was starting to think that I would always feel lethargic and out of it.

Today, squirrels and birds are duking it out for fresh seeds and nuts in my back yard.

My girls are wearing themselves out watching them.

I'm listening to The Walrus - a radio station I fell in love with in San Diego - music from each decade of my life. :)

Fresh batch of buttons, including some cool customs, is cooling.

The sun is shining - zero rain - beautiful outside!

Noshing on a bowl of blue tortilla chips and guacamole (yum).

Getting ready to block a bunch o' hand knit mitts.

My little shadow, Molly, just crawled up for a nap (wondering how long I can milk having been away for a few days - she's sure to get sick of me any minute).

And enjoying every word of Danielle LaPorte's The Fire Starter Sessions. This is seriously good reading and just what I needed just when I needed it. You'll hear more about this!!!

What are you up to on this beautiful Tuesday?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....