Sunday, October 01, 2006

Happy October!!!

In honor of the big holiday this month, I've converted my blog to more appropriate colors.

Not quite a jammies day, but still in sweats (yay!), looking out at the trees and leaves and beautiful overcast afternoon. Squirrels are definitely on acorn hunts, which keeps my girls entertained.

I went bezerk last night and rearranged my bedroom ... started at 11pm, just as I was getting sleepy, finished up just before 1am! I'm much happier with it -- it just never felt comfortable before. The girls went BERZERKO the entire time, and after a night of sleeping like a log, woke up to find them both completely zonked out with me, not even trying to wake me up. I thought it HAD to be afternoon, but it was just 10am. Still kinda late, but a good sleep in.

Now the stew's on -- beef, carrot, onion, merlot (only red wine I had), diced tomatoes, beef broth, bay leaf, touch of tarragon I'm going to add (later) frozen sweet potato, frozen butternut squash, peas, a little fennel, red pepper. Sounds good, doesn't it? I hope it turns out!

Watching food network, working on job descriptions for work, trying to get all of my reading done for school, laundry, cooking, it's a good Sunday!

1 comment:

Kris and Rich said...

you sound happy in your environment...yummy fall!!!!!!!!!!!
...cough cough cough