On to my adventure with Lisa from Savor at Etsy this last weekend!
For many Etsy sellers, and probably many buyers as well, Lisa is well known for her business acumen. I consider several of her Etsy Forum posts essential reading for sellers, including:
But Lisa isn't just a very skilled and creative soapstress + savvy business woman, she also has a huge (and soft) heart with a very sweet soul. Who loves to smile and laugh!
And her home is filled "nearly" from wall-to-wall with soap supplies, business supplies, soap, etc.! When you walk in, you revel in the wonderful fragrances of all of her creations. What a treat to smell them all in person!
On Saturday, Lisa made 100 lbs of soap for wrapping and labelling on Sunday! She sold something incredible like 500 items during her anniversary sale and the following day. 100 lbs!!! Oy!
We had a blast visiting and laughing and talking about things we both love. I got to meet her husband, Mike, such a nice, cool and oh so smart guy! (Who asked if my home is as full of supplies as their's ... ummm, yeah ...) Her four kitties very kindly agreed to meet me, while choosing not to bond with me, and I respect their decision. :( (they are CUUUUUTE).
Tomorrow! How a top seller keeps herself organized ... or "maintaining one's sanity, Etsy style"
p.s., I think I rebroke my toe today :( Very swollen, very discolored, can I get a do over???
Ooooo! I want to sniff each and every one of those bars! What fun, you guys!
Brenda, I'm so jealous! Okay, Lisa, I'm next! :)
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