Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life little ups and downs

from shaving kit suppplies on Etsy
As you might have noticed, I've been a little absent lately.  Between transitioning back to a day job, the crazy holiday season, the release of Joyeux, the fun and games I've been having with my health, etc., etc., etc. ...

I lost track of what I was going to say.



And its little ups and downs.

I don't have much to share, simply because I'm just trying to keep on keeping on right now.  I will share some Phydeaux news throughout the week though.

Thank you for visiting and for your good thoughts!


Stefanie said...

You seem to be handling everything well, Brenda. We only become stronger and learn from life's little ups and downs. Hang in there and take one day at a time.

Sharon said...

Brenda, I am holding positive thoughts for you and have l00 percent understanding about all the commitments during this busy season. Put your health first always and hang in there!

Joyeaux is gorgeous!

Brenda said...

Thank you both - I'm hanging in there and taking one day at a time - that's all you can do! xo